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Just write a very popular keyword "data entry job" you will find huge result.Yes this data entry job is most popular keyword among all the internet user.Specifically for those who are new in a business of internet money.People want to earn more than 1000$ by doing just data entry job.Some times they expect less say 10000 INR.But if you think for while is it really possible to earn good money by only doing data entry.Why should any one pay so large amount for data entry job.Where there is no need of any professional skill.But the grid and innocence trap you here.
Open any website of data entry job which promises you to provide a data entry job.They have a different categories like data entry job,ad posting work,content writing job,form filling job,adsense tutorial and many more.These people are very smart they take care of everything like their site view just look simply professional,all the colour combination,logo,buttons are just eye catching.They display their addresses saying office address,head office address,branch office address.They show the proof of income which the other people earn from their website.And the most amazing tool is their contact no.If you call them first time they will attend you in a very nice manner.They show them very professional.
What the normal conversation between you and them
You :- Hello sir, i have seen this no on so and so website and interested in doing part time job
Website :- OK, which work you want to do?
You :- I want to start with ad posting job.
Website :- Good,Here you can earn more than 15000/- INR pm.
(what you think in mind very good yaar if i am earning this much its more than full time job so why should i not start.I will be rich very soon.And one biggest who you do is you never tell about this to your friend,thinking you alone want to be rich.If you tell to your friends or parents,they may stop you from doing such work)
You :- Which type of ads are this ?
Website:- simple ads  which you have to post on internet,it takes 2 hrs daily to complete the task.
You :- Okay,i want to join.
Website :- first you have to register with us b paying Rs.2000/-.Its one time registration and training fees.
You :- Get little bit nervous,because he is asking for money.Okay i will think and call you later.
Here First mode of your work ends,Then after one day you will call or you receive a call from them.
Website:- Hello sir (in a very sweet manner) you make a inquiry regarding ad posting work.A lot of people working with us and making good money out of this.
You :- Is it possible that you reduce my training and registration from my first income.
Website:- Sorry sir,we can't do this.This is one time registration and each have to pay this.
You:- Okay i will pay
Website :- When you deposit the money,Is it own today?
You :- Yes today or tomorrow.
On the next day you will deposit the money.But on previous night you have a dream of money.
You:- I have deposited the money
Website:- As soon as he heard this he win,his tone change.Okay you will get a mail from us,wait.
On the same day or next they drop you a mail
Website:- Have receive a mail?
You:- Yes
Website:- Training schedule is given and type of work is also given.Call me on given training schedule.
You call his as per the instruction.He explain you the work.They most tell us to post the ads in a classified which is about them only so that they can trap other.
Let us see what data entry work they have given to you,you have to post more than 8000 ads to classified.Which is totally impossible task even you work for a 10 hrs a day instead of 2 hrs a day.You start a work and have to face a lot of problem because classified does not allow such ads.
You call to website and tell his about this problem.His behavior totally change.He will say same type of work others are doing very easily.Try you also properly as per the training.Again you try thinking some thing goes wrong by you.But not succeeded.Because work given is impossible task.As per there terms and condition,since you haven't complete the task they don't have to pay you anything.Up till now you got pain in your head.And leave the work incomplete.You also feel shame of telling to others thinking they will laugh on you.And this is you second mistake.Tell others as much as you can,Post your comment in Indian Consumer.
I am against of data entry work but paying them money.But even though you want to joint data entry work please take precaution.
1). In google search Data Entry Work scam - You may find some post against them.
2). Tell to your friend :- you may find victim of such website out of them.
3). Before paying the money ask data entry website to give you a work
4). Be very clear about amount of work what you have to do.
5). Read each and every terms and condition of website very carefully.
6). If website office address is near by you visit there.
Be careful and best of luck!


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    Hope you got the right information on Where to post your free classifieds In India. Happy Posting.


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